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Sell More on More Marketplaces

Written by SellerActive Team | Jan 29, 2021 4:45:03 PM

Marketplace expansion increases profit opportunities, and SellerActive makes it easy.


As we wrapped up 2020, SellerActive published a handful of blog articles to illustrate online seller best practices for various marketplaces. 

Each marketplace, be it Amazon, eBay, or Walmart, has a different way of going about selling vendor’s products, and it’s essential for sellers to stay aware of the different policies and guidelines pertaining to each one.

Sure, maintaining marketplace-specific regulations adds to an already robust list of tasks a vendor must handle on a regular basis, but that’s part of the reason SellerActive exists—to ensure everything runs smoothly, and easily, for users of our software.

Especially when it comes to expanding and selling products on multiple marketplaces, which is a great way to maximize profit.

In 2021 we'll be releasing plenty of exciting product updates, so there’s never been a better time to take advantage of our multichannel management platform.


Diversify to Increase Profit


The number one reason sellers should be using SellerActive? Diversification.

Increasing visibility of the items you want to sell is the perfect way to get more of your products sold. Why not position those products on as many e-marketplaces as possible?

If it’s lack of time, or resources, not to worry—our software makes it simple for you.

In fact, our Professional Services program will help you take control of, and excel with:


  • New Marketplace Listings: Don’t stress at the thought of meticulously adding each of your product listings to a new marketplace. We’ve got you covered, and will manage the transferring of your product catalog to new platforms.


  • Marketplace Inventory Expansion: We will ensure your entire product offering is fully listed on each marketplace, including your complete inventory.


  • Inventory Management and Clean-Up: With our software, you won’t need to take the time to review listings for duplicates, or non-matching SKUs across marketplaces. We’ll also manage large bundling or variation set-up projects for your items.


  • Refresh Trainings: Utilize client-specific training to learn more about how our software pertains to your own workflow. We’ll also provide direct training sessions for any new members of your team. 


For more detail on the Professional Services we now offer, and recommendations on which marketplaces you should be selling on, email for a free consultation.


The Appeal of Marketplace Expansion


With all this talk of expanding to different marketplaces, let’s not forget that later this year, SellerActive users will be able to start listing items on Shopify.

In Q3 of 2020, total revenue at Shopify was $767.4 million, a 96 percent increase from the same quarter in 2019. Those are astonishing numbers, and we’re very excited to begin helping our sellers take advantage of this growth at Shopify. 

We will keep everyone updated on when Shopify listing opportunities will become available in 2021.

In the meantime, our partners at BigCommerce have done a great job of explaining how Amazon dominates the e-marketplace world, but this is also a good indication of why sellers should expand to more marketplaces. 

If competing with more than 2 million other sellers on Amazon is daunting, consider utilizing SellerActive to have your listings transferred to other platforms.


Top 2020 SellerActive Product Releases


With the surge of online shopping in these last 12 months, it’s imperative to make your items stand out from the rest.

Shopify reported the U.S. saw 10 years of ecommerce growth in only 90 days last year, so it’s crucial to ensure your products are being seen by all those online shoppers.

Our top software updates in 2020 help you do that, and so much more.


  • Updated Pricing Strategies: Setting up new strategies, reviewing strategy performance, and editing existing strategies, is now much easier, thanks to the redesign of this feature.


  • Walmart Notification Pricing: Walmart’s API now instantly notifies SellerActive if a Buy Box owner changes. These alerts help us keep sellers’ pricing competitive, which increases their chance to win the Buy Box, and bring home more profit.



  • Multi-User Accounts: This update allows a company’s employees to have their own user login to manage the overall SellerActive account. Each account now has an Account Owner to manage users, and their access.


  • Updated Reports: Many reports were enhanced in 2020, to include more valuable data and insights for sellers. Other reports were moved around, for easier access, and those deemed no longer useful for our customers were removed.


Team SellerActive is eager to reveal lots of great product updates in 2021 that will heighten selling opportunities for our customers—this includes a new Orders Workspace, enhanced Notification system, and a huge update to the way Variations are managed for items.

So many beneficial reasons to sell through SellerActive, and expand to more marketplaces.

If you’re still deciding on whether you should try us out, schedule a free demo below to let us show you why you should!