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Fast and Cost-Effective Order-To-Door Fulfillment 

Boost sales and improve search placement with fast shipping tags for your storefront


Multichannel Management and Fulfillment

Connect your SellerActive account to Deliverr for a powerful integration that drives your multichannel business. With SellerActive, you can get compliant listings published quickly and use automated repricing technology to optimize your listings for maximum sales. And with Deliverr, you can use their fulfillment services help you provide fast shipping for better prices.

Visit Deliverr

Walmart 2 Day Shipping Deliverr

Boost Walmart Sales with Fast Shipping Tags

Deliverr provides seamless access to Walmart’s Free 2-Day Shipping Program. All participating items are heavily promoted to buyers, and can help your listings show up higher on search, and increase your chances of winning the Buy Box. 

Sell more on eBay

Like Walmart, eBay’s Guaranteed Delivery program provides buyers with a “Guaranteed by” badge on participating items, and with Deliverr, you can gain access to this program for free! By combining Deliverr’s fast shipping tags with SellerActive’s automated repricing technology, you can accelerate sales and boost listing prominence on eBay’s massive marketplace. 

eBay Guaranteed Shipping with Deliverr
“The support staff and pricing MAKES this product. SellerActive’s product support staff is incredible, and their pricing is so reasonable that pretty much anyone can afford it.”
Deb B
e-Commerce Director

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