Fulfillment Savings Opportunities Report

Discover cheaper, faster fulfillment opportunities by converting FBM SKUs to WFS.

Shoppers expect fast and free shipping on top marketplaces like Walmart.com. With the Fulfillment Savings Opportunities Report, you can compare your 1st party fulfillment costs to WFS cost estimates based on their fee structure, to determine the value of transferring inventory into the 3PL service.Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 12.26.13 PM

To access the report: 

  • Click on the Opportunities item under the Reports section of the navigation menu 
  • Select the Fulfillment Savings option from the Recommendation type dropdownScreenshot 2024-09-05 at 11.14.01 AM

WFS Fee Structure 

The WFS cost structure is straightforward, made up of a fulfillment fee (cost to ship the item) and a storage fee. There are no signup fees, monthly subscription fees, or minimums and maximums to worry about. The fulfillment fee is based on the item's weight, dimensions and few additional properties like category (apparel), price, and hazardous materials. Note that the Marketplace Management estimate for WFS fulfillment cost does not incorporate if your item contains hazardous materials. The additional fee for apparel, retail price less than $10, and oversized items is included in the estimate. The Marketplace Management storage fee estimate is based on the item’s dimensions, but does not incorporate time of year. Learn more about the details of the WFS fees in their support article.

Report Columns 

Within this report, you will see a comparison of your FBM costs to WFS estimates. The rows are sorted so that products with positive fulfillment savings values are displayed at the top. Note that in order for this report to identify opportunities, your products need dimension and weight values. The report columns include: 

  • Basic product information - SKU, Title, Listed channels. 
  • Average FBM Shipping Cost - Average shipping cost of 1P single SKU, single quantity orders for the last year. Note that the average includes shipping costs of any shipping service, but is limited to Walmart, Amazon, and Ebay orders.  
  • Fulfillment Cost (WHS 1) - Fulfillment cost of the highest prioritized 1st party warehouse with quantity.
  • WFS Shipping Cost Estimate -  Estimate to ship the item through WFS primarily based on the item weight and dimensions. 
  • WFS Fulfillment Total - Estimate to ship and store the item within WFS. 
  • Shipping Cost Savings (%) - 1 - (WFS Shipping Cost / Average FBM Shipping Cost).
  • Shipping Cost Savings ($) - WFS Shipping Cost - Average FBM Shipping Cost.
  • Total Fulfillment Cost Savings (%) - 1 - (WFS Fulfillment Total /Fulfillment Cost (WHS 1)).
  • Total Fulfillment Cost Savings ($) - WFS Fulfillment Total - Fulfillment Cost (WHS 1).
  • WFS Stock Status - A SKU can have a status of Not Stocked, In Stock, Out of Stock, or Low stock. Low stock is determined by a WFS quantity level being lower than the low stock threshold set for the SKU. 
  • Non-WFS Quantity - The total amount of non-WFS inventory across fulfillment centers. 
  • Units Sold - Last 30 Days - The number of units sold on Walmart marketplace in the last 30 days.


If the product is listed on Walmart, the action button will prompt you to Fulfill with Walmart, linking you to the item list in the Walmart Seller Center. From here, click Fulfill with Walmart on the item action to kick off the WFS item conversion and inbound shipment creation process. 

If the product is not listed to Walmart, the action button will prompt you to list the item to the marketplace. WFS requires inventory to be listed to Walmart.com. 

Report Summaries

At the top of the report, you will see cards that summarize the identified opportunities. These cards can be minimized to save room on your screen by clicking the Hide summary button on the top right of the cards. 

  • SKUs with savings - The number of SKUs with a positive Total Fulfillment Cost Savings value. 
  • Total potential savings - The sum of the total fulfillment savings for all SKUs with positive savings values. This includes the total shipping and storage cost if you were to transfer all your inventory from the highest prioritized warehouse.   
  • Average fulfillment savings - The average savings percentage across all SKUs with positive fulfillment savings. 

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