How to Connect BigCommerce with Google Shopping

Use's Feed Marketing app to create your feed from BigCommerce to Google Shopping

The BigCommerce and Google Shopping feed integration is available using's Feed Marketing app. 

For BigCommerce migration sellers, this integration is available for free for 60 days. The promotional pricing after the initial 60 days is:

SKU Limit Price Per Month
1,000 $50
5,000 $65
10,000 $75
25,000 $115
50,000 $200
75,000 $250
100,000 $300
200,000 $500
Over 200,000 Estimate needed


Enable the Promotion

To enable this promotion, from SellerActive, go to Settings > Integrations, then click on "Add sales channel" and select Google Shopping under the Marketing Feed Integrations section, click Next, then click Continue to fill out the form to request access to Feed Marketing.

A member of the SellerActive by team will follow up via email with more information about pricing, next steps on provisioning access or an invitation to set up a meeting.



Launch Feed Marketing

Once enabled, while in SellerActive Marketplace Management, click on the menu on the top right and launch Feed Marketing.

Or from's Brand Console (, click on "Feed Marketing" under the "Shortcuts" section. brandconsole_feedmarketing

Connect BigCommerce

  • You'll be defaulted to the "Shops" screen to start the process to add your BigCommerce shop. Add your shop's name.feedmarketing_addshop
  • Select BigCommerce as your main input feed and add your shop's URL as your source location.
  • Click the Next tab.
  • On the Installation page, if you’re the shop owner or admin of the BigCommerce account, select the option: "I am the Shop Owner."  (If you aren’t the shop owner, choose the option "I am not the Shop Owner" and a prepared message template that you can send to the shop owner will display. The message includes a link that will redirect them to the page where they can directly install a plugin.)
  • Click the Next tab.
  • Confirm the request to access your BigCommerce shop. 
  • Schedule how frequently you want to update your feed by filling in the "Updates Schedule." Select your time zone and preferred update time(s). The feed will update every 24 hours by default. Click "Add Another Update" to increase the frequency.
  • Click the Next tab.
  • Once your products have finished downloading, create your Internal Fields.
    Create Feed Rules (Internal Fields) and mappings to optimize fields such as your Product Title and Description.
  • Contact Feed Marketing Support and Onboarding for more tips by clicking on the blue chat icon in the lower right of the screen while in the Feed Marketing app.

Connect Google Shopping

  • Add Google Shopping as a channel from your BigCommerce Shop by going to Channels and click Add Channel.


  • Select Country
  • Select Google Shopping and add any channel specific details
  • Click Add Channel
  • Open the Google Shopping channel to proceed with mapping mandatory fields, optimizing your feed and set up feed rules.
  • Do a feed review to check for missing data by clicking on Feed Review on the left navigation or Review Feed under Options. Make any necessary fixes by adjusting your feed rules.
  • Contact Feed Marketing Support and Onboarding for more tips by clicking on the blue chat icon in the lower right of the screen while in the Feed Marketing app.