Set your Amazon Business Prices based on your Amazon Standard Prices

Amazon Business sellers can set up a pricing rule in Seller Central to take your standard prices and then apply percentage discounts to the standard prices to set Business Prices.

Amazon Business sellers can set up a pricing rule in Seller Central to take your standard prices and then apply percentage discounts to the standard prices to set Business Prices.

Here's a video from Amazon that goes into more detail about Business Pricing Rules:

If you're using SellerActive to manage standard prices on Amazon, you can use Amazon's "Business Catalog Rule By Amazon" pricing rule to update your Amazon business pricing based on your standard prices that SellerActive manages.

Note: Please note that this "Business Catalog Rule By Amazon" would not take SellerActive Marketplace Management's minimum price values into consideration, so please be mindful of the discount %s entered for your Amazon business catalog rule.

Regardless if you use SellerActive to manage your listings' standard prices by leveraging a SellerActive automated repricing strategy, or even if you don't have a repricing strategy and just generally manage standard prices on Amazon using SellerActive, you can use Amazon's strategy to update business pricing based on standard prices using this method. At this moment, there is not a Business Price field in SellerActive to update Amazon business pricing but you may go comment and vote on this requested feature here for the product team to consider adding in the future. 

  1. From Amazon Seller Central, go to Automate Pricing and then Pricing Rules.
  2. Next to the "Business Catalog Rule by Amazon" pricing rule, click on "Set up rule."
  3. Follow the prompts in order to set your Business Price dynamically relative to your Standard Price.

